How to Start #Dropshipping: Dropship Club’s guide

Have you ever wondered: how does dropshipping work, and what is it? What should you do first? What will be next? What way to choose? I’m here to clarify all that!

➽ “What is dropshipping” video:

➽ Launching-a-store Tutorial:

➽ AliDropship Custom Stores:
Go to the “recommended solutions” page on our website and select “Custom Stores by AliDropship”. Right here, after choosing your preferable package, you can order your future store without spending your time on creating it by yourself! Use code “CLUB20” for a 20% discount on your order!

Let’s start with a short definition of the dropshipping business model! Dropshipping is an easy model of online business when you sell products from other suppliers via your own dropshipping store without keeping any of the products at your place. Suppliers will send their products directly to your customers and you will keep your margin! You won’t have to pay for these products before your customers order them! No need to produce, keep or even manage shipping of any items!
Cool, right?

You can do everything on your own and save some money, or, alternatively, you can save your time and order a custom store which will be made by professionals. Find the details on our website. After customers order anything in your store, you process the orders and keep your profit that is not limited at all! Check the instructions in the store promotion section on our website.

It also requires very small investments. It’s the perfect way to start making money online!

Dropshipping business model:

  • Choose your niche
  • Define your audience
  • Set up your store
  • Add dropshipping tools
  • Upload products
  • Promote them
  • Get orders
  • Purchase products from suppliers
  • Have products sent to the customers by suppliers

You see – there’s nothing too difficult. Even if you don’t have any experience in the e-commerce business, you can succeed in that! Remember, a detailed step-by-step guide is in our “Road Map” section. If you have any questions, please, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always ready to answer all the questions, especially the one about how to start dropshipping!

Let’s connect!



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