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Dropshipping and Social Media: Make It Effective
An average social media user spends 2 hours 23 minutes on it and 80 % of them follow at least one business account. Any ideas on how you could use it? Successful marketing in 2019 is measured not in the number of published advertisements, but in a number of followers especially if you are working […]
5 Vital Changes To Product Titles You MUST Make
Want to improve Google Shopping Feed quality and organic sales? Easy! Probably you would have never guessed that you can do it just by changing product titles. Read further to learn all the tricks. Increasing the number of sales and decreasing costs per conversions – the main goals of every dropshipping business owner. At least, […]
A/B Testing – Yay Or Nay?
As statistic data says, most companies on Facebook run only one ad while the best run tens or hundreds of them. Is there any sense and practical benefit? Let’s find out! Allow us to put it directly: we believe that A/B testing is absolutely a yay! It lets you learn so much about your target […]